I was in the store a couple of weeks ago about five thirty on a Sunday night. . I could not believe it the manager was screaming at the girls in the deli. because the front window had fingerprints on it. . they were trying to tell her they did the windows and they go back out and do them again at six .They did do the windows because I was getting my lunchmeat when the girl was doing the windows. I got a few more items then I remembered I needed milk so I was going to get it when I found the poor girls getting screamed at.I'm sorry the manager was wrong for treating the girls like that. I have worked in retail for 20 years . Ten of those years as a manager.Never in all my years did I ever see a manager act like that. Screaming in front of the customers like that.I could not beleive my eyes. I would be fired if I did that to my workers.I would quit if someone did that to me.All the girls should of walked out.The one girl kept waiting on customers while they were getting screamed at. Some of us just stood there and watched we could not believe what was going on.After watching that I will never shop in that store again.The woman standing next to me put her couple items down and walked out .She said to me she would not shop in a store that treats the workers like that.I agree .I have been shopping there for years and never once had anything bad to say about any of the workers. Because of the managers actions the store lost at least two customers that day.