Shoe Extreme Brought S3xy Back! It's that simple those dudes k!ll it on a daily... I first found out about it when i went clubbin and every one wearing heat said they bought them from the white brothers in Westminster, so after some diggin i found Shoe Extreme. Those dudes even go above and beyond to get me shoes you cant find in any stores anymore, they can get nearly anything Jordan... I get more necks snappin' when I wear the shoes i bought there then i do from anything else in my closet... The staff was willing to rap with me about shoes for as long as i wanted.. and they got the illest jordan stuff in the world! those dudes are k!llin it with the new era hook ups and broncos gear too.. i will always be droppin my loot there! Thanks guys, Good lookin...
Pros: Super Rare Shoes, Knowledgable Staff, Sick Hats, Jordan Lifestyle, Dunks, Air Force, Broncos
Cons: Highly Addictive!