I recently saw a plaque that read, Youth is a gift. Aging is an art. I agree. I think we all want to age with grace and beauty. Permanent makeup is an excellent choice in helping us age in an artful way. Life's journey takes us through many phases. We want to look our best at every stage. As youths, we are blessed with the fresh dew of life. Our souls are expectant, hopeful and excited. Our outward appearance radiates that vibrancy. Time takes its toll on our bodies, but we are resilient, our spirits grown and mature. At any age, we want a youthful spirit to shine and express our true persona. Feeling good about the way we look is important for well being. I have witnessed people of all ages display revived youthful expressions once permanent makeup is applied. They are transformed with renewed self-confidence. True beauty lies within! Permanent makeup serves as an artistic tool that enhances and spotlights our inner magnificence.