Based in hercules. Calif. . Shields nursing centers Inc. Has been caring for residents for more than 35 years. The center offers a variety of services. Such AS skilled nursing. Custodial care. Wound care. Social services and activity programs. Its custodial care service includes daily assistance to residents WHO need help with daily activities. Such AS with grooming. Showering. Eating and dressing. In addition. Shields nursing centers Inc. Provides candlelight dining AS well AS sporting events.
Shields Nursing Centers provide the best skilled nursing care to the residents of Contra Costa & Alameda County. Our goal is to use our team of dedicated health care specialists that includes, physicians, nurses, social services personnel, physical therapists & dietitians. We know that when you are choosing a skilled nursing facility you want to be sure you will receive excellent medical care. At Shields Nursing Centers you can be confident that you will be in the hands of health care professionals who are committed to providing high quality treatment and care. We work with leading consultants and our skilled nursing teams are highly trained It should be reassuring to you to know that we have been caring for residents for more than 35 years. We offer a wide variety of services to help meet our resident's needs. We will treat all residents equally, respecting confidentiality, income, gender, race and religion. Our staff will be diverse, compassionate and professional at all times.