We are Family Owned and Operated.
Our experienced, professional mechanics have the knowledge and skill to tackle any auto repair or maintenance service. We understand sophisticated car engines and systems, and our technicians are trained on all the latest technologies to better meet your auto repair and maintenance needs.
Yes, you can trust your family's vehicle safety to us, we perform every job as if it was our own family's vehicle. Not too many people realize the hidden dangers of a poorly installed, or welded, exhaust system. Carbon Monoxide can leak inside the vehicle, a muffler or catalytic converter can come loose on the freeway, etc. We double check every single bolt, every single weld, before the job is deemed finished. Our family's pride and your family's safety is at stake!
* Full Service Auto Repair
* Performance Exhaust
* Brakes
* Suspensions
* Transmission
* Radiator
* DEQ Repair
* DEQ Diagnostic
* Air-Conditioning
* Carburetors
* Fuel Injection
* Exhaust Systems
* Muffler Service
* Clutches
* Differential
* Transaxle
* Belts & Hoses
* Tires
* Pumps
* Engines Filters, Oil, & Lube
* Tune-Ups
* Scheduled Maintenance
* Computer Diagnostics
* Electronic Testing
* Timing Belts & Chains
* Starters & Alternators
* Cooling Systems