hello, my name is mike and i have spent thousands of dollars in the gallipolis ohio store i have purcased\r
everything from a paint machine to hundreds of gallons of paint. anyway i gave a store employee my roof demisions\r
and he said i needed 2 five gallon buckets around three hundred each. the job only took 1 five gallon bucket\r
double coated with some to spare. the store wont take the other unopened bucket back becuase it has been tinted. the emplyee\r
over estemated i feel they should refund y 300.00 for the unesesary bucket. i have never seen i white roof anyway in my life so every can of paint sold has some tint in it. please let me refund unopenedbucket. so we may continue to do buisness together.\r
sincerly mike 740-578-6262