Traded in Sequoia with bumper damage for a Yukon. I told salesperson how much it would cost me to get it fixed. He insinuated I was lying until I provided a written estimate I had with me. I traded it in anyway and bought the Yukon. After closing, I tested keys they provided for the Yukon. 1 of the 2 keys did not work. Again Gregory the salesman accused me of lying until he himself tested the keys. I bought the Yukon on a Saturday after test driving it since Wednesday at their suggestion. Monday morning after the acutual Saturady closing, I get another call from Gregory accusing me of stealing one of the Sequoia seats. He said one was missing and I must have come back and stole it. I was furious and called the general manager. The vehicle was in their possesion for 5 days, since the previous Wed. I have no idea what they did with the seat. I am a middle-aged, honest woman who has absolutely no use for a stolen Sequoia seat. To be accused of lying twice, then accused of stealing is completely over the top. I have never in my life done business with such shysters. Maybe its the norm in that area, but where I come from, people don't lie and steel. not do business with these awful people. I'm sorry I ever bought from them.