I had a fence put up in the back of my townhouse this summer. First of all, when I got home, the posts were in the wrong place! I wanted them taken up, but they said that it would be too difficult?? When I called Tim about the now smaller fenced-in yard, he acted like I was trying to get out of paying the bill and was very ugly to me! The fence I ended up with was several feet shorter than the one they gave me an estimate for and he simply needed to give me the corrected figures since they screwed up. I told him I would promptly pay, which I did. Also, I have had issues with the top boards warping up and found out that these boards should have been screwed down. When I called about it one month post-installation, they told me that they knew that it would happen, due to sun exposure!!! Then, why wouldn't you screw the boards down to begin with? I have called and called about the boards.. They will not call me back. Also, they used wood that was too young. The bright green boards that they used are still that color, 6 months later. They told me that the green was due to some treatment, not the age of the wood. Well, fellas.... those boards are still green and they are outward facing boards. I am going to call the BBB.
Pros: null
Cons: null