I treated myself to a $125 Vitalize Peel in March 2011 thinking it was just a light peel. I told the nurse that this was the first time I'd had a Vitalize. Afterwards, I was sent home without any instructions other than to ""use a mild cleanser and lotion"" on my face. Okay, fine.
The next day (Saturday) I awoke to a red, swollen, and itchy face and I looked like hell. As the day went on, it got worse. Since their office was closed, I was forced to go online to get info on what to do (apply cold compresses then hydrocortisone cream/aloe vera gel, take Benadryl, don't wear any foundation or powder, avoid all exercise, stay out of the sun for 5 to 7 days, sleep on an elevated pillow). Because they didn't seem to care about anything except taking my money, I don't trust this dermatologist office and I won't ever go back. Consumer beware!