I am on here spending the time to do this to help every guy out there that is still going to the barber or doesn't feel right walking into a hair salon. This is the best place I ever stepped into for a hair cut. The shampoo is done in a separate room. I am now a loyal Paul Mitchell tea tree customer. I never cared what I used on my hair. The shampoo alone was like nothing I ever had done before. In a dim room, tea tree oils, shampoo, a serious scalp massage, a HOT TOWEL on my face, a tingling conditioner. Guys, seriously, this is the place. Don't ever turn down the shampoo in this salon. You don't know what you are missing!! WOW!! I paid a few bucks more than other places, but well worth it. I was even offered a beer! They even have guy magazines. By the way, I did get a great hair cut too. I think I will get my hair cut a lot more often from now on. I can't wait to go back.