Acupuncture: How It Works
Acupuncture is an eastern view of energy balance. People today don't understand that an energy balance is essential for a quality state of health. Thousands of years ago, people ate according to the seasons, they slept when the sun went down, they were physically active, and they noticed how certain emotions affected them. People were more in tune to what was going on in their bodies. Throughout history, in China the royal families were the only ones who could afford medical care. If someone in the royal family died the physician was buried along with them, so the doctor had a vested interest in preventative health. The physician learned to recognize imbalances before they manifested into a full-blown "dis-ease." He would notice if there was more hunger, less sleepfulness, constipation, night-sweats, a faster heartbeat; he knew the constitution of his patients. These were all signs of imbalance (i.e. disease in the making) and at this point the physician was able to restore the balance of energy before it manifested as a more serious disease state.
. Acupuncture uses tiny sterile needles inserted in carefully determined points. These needles are used one time and one time only. A patient will notice pressure and sometimes an achy feeling around the insertion point. Of course,the most commonly asked question is "...does it hurt?" Sometimes for a brief moment people will feel something mildly electrical. The treatment typically consists of two 25-minute rest periods during which the needles are inserted in the back and then the front of the body. Most people fall asleep after the practioner leaves the room.
Other Services Include:
Herbal Medicine,Cupping,Electric Stimulation,Moxabustion,Nutritonal Counseling