Shasta Treatment Associates has been providing answers to life’s problems through counseling that offers a wide array of mental health care programs. STA was founded in 1993 by Dr. Ron Armstrong and his wife, Charlene Shorty Armstrong.
What We Provide---- Counseling care to individuals, groups, couples and families (children, adolescents, adults and geriatric). We treat a broad range of mental health issues including, depression, addic- tions, anger, anxiety, behavioral issues, parenting, grieving, post traumatic stress, self-esteem and much more.
Our clinical staff consists of Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Marriage and Family Therapist Interns, and Addiction Counselors. They are dedicated to providing counseling in a safe environment where men, women, and children can work through issues that are robbing them of satisfaction and enjoyment in life. Working together, lives are being restored daily. Many individuals, couples, and families are enjoying a more productive, fulfilling, and joyful life through therapy.
Our Programs---- Anger Management Help For Batterers and Victims (Domestic Violence Intervention) Behavior Modification and Anger Management for Young People Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment Child Abuse / Neglect Treatment Co-Parenting Counseling Support Group for Asperger's Syndrome in Teens Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Support Group
OUR TEAM TOOLS: * Play Therapy - Art Therapy - EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) - Behavior Modification - Sandtray Therapy - Cognitive Behavior Therapy - TFT (Thought Field Therapy) - Visualization - Hypnotherapy – Gestalt - Inner Child Work - Faith-Based Therapy