Located in the tony Marlton Square, the Sharper Image store is one of my favorite places to spend an afternoon- particularly when my family is out shopping at the other stores. They have so many eclectic products that solve problems you never even though you had! There's watches, lamps, toys, massage chairs, and of course, air purifiers. (Yes these are the same ones you see on the informercials.)
And the staff let you try out everything. This store is very nice. It's modern, brightly lit, and cool. It's set up so that you can browse by yourself. Trust me, the staff will leave you alone after they greet you when you walk in. However, I can't admit to having bought something from this store before. Everything is too overpriced for me. I don't think it's possible to buy anything except maybe batteries or a gift box that's less than $5 here. I have bought from sharperimage.com though, and I got a really good deal there. But I came into the store to see the product first.