Donald Cheek is a pathological liar and a thief. Plain and simple. A Flim Flam man working his mark. He has stolen advance funds, never provided materials or completed work. He sent me on a wild goose chase to get some paint at a home improvement 'center', and while I was away, he pressured my wife into advancing him half the 'estimate', left for 3.5 hours, and when he returned, he stayed 30 minutes.
He destroyed our walls in our home, leaving glue to dry all over 15 high walls. We had to pay someone again to repair the mess and do the job. I repeated told him to return our deposit, send me a check. He will start slopping things around, causing damage, and if you say anything, he will feign being insulted, so he can justify sulking off the job, never to return. I should have know something was up the first day, when his 'helper' had this look and demeanor like he knew something wasn't right. He probably never got paid.
Either Donald Cheek is an alcoholic or drug addict or both. His behaviors have all the hallmarks of one. Consider this review as very strong warning. DO NOT ON ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW DONALD CHEEK OF SHAMROCK SERVICES ON YOUR PROPERTY OR TOUCH ANYTHING ON YOUR HOME. You will highly regret it.