Our mission at Sgt.Scrap is to be the best scrap metal dealer, no compromise. We will accept no less than the best, most honest service possible and provide you with the knowledge and tools to be an informed scrap metal customer. There are no silly questions! We want to educate you and prove our respect for you by treating you right because an informed scrap metal recycling customer is a customer that will appreciate what we can do for you. Come down to our full service indoor scrap metal yard in Gloucester City, New Jersey or simply wait at home when you schedule a full service mobile scrap metal pickup. We will provide you with an honest business relationship and prove to you that Sgt Scrap is the best in the scrap metal industry. Our mobile scrap metal pickup service pays the same rates for scrap metals regardless of location. We service NJ,PA,DE,and MD. All we ask is that you meet our minimum poundage requirements 300 lbs. or more of non-ferrous product. Please visit our website www.sgt-scrap.com for pricing and rates.. * Full Service Indoor Scrap Metal Yard * Mobile Scrap Metal Pickup Service Ferrous,Non-Ferrous Materials * Yellow Brass * Brass Shells * Red brass * Auto Batteries * Steel BX * Lite Copper/Flashing