dude, these guys were great! i went up to Champ's (at the Waterfront Marriot) to meet some buddies of mine for dinner and i had my phone and wallet in my lap. my phone has a bright cover on it, my wallet on the other hand, was practically the same color tone of my pants. when i went to get out of the car, my wallet fell to the ground without me even noticing. after getting my valet key and handing me the ticket, as the attendant went to get in my car he saw my wallet, picked it up, and chased me into the restaurant to give me back to me.
the way out was not so pleasant, as i had gotten a scratch on my car, looked like a door of another vehicle dinged my door. i didn't even notice, but the valet was honest about it and pointed it out to me. he got the paper to file a claim and i was so impressed with his forthcoming honesty, i told him just to forget about it. and yes, i will be going back there again! their team was great. i called their corporate office. those two young men deserved to be recognized and praised!