Affilated Companies: Settoon Fabrication Inc, Settoon Barge Rental Inc, Settoon Rentals Inc, VAS Gauging Service Inc, S.A.S Trucking of LA Inc, F.A.S Services Inc, Settoon Dock Service Inc, Setton Inc. General Oilfield & Industrial ContractorsServing the oilfield industry for over 45 yearsScott A. Settoon,Owner/PresidentFred A. Settoon,Founder/Vice President Pipeline ConstructionExcavation,Land Clearing,Dirt Work,Pile Driving,Bulkhead Construction,Heavy Equipment RentalsWelding,Oilfield Fabrication & Repairs,Painting and Sandblasting,Meter SkidsTug,Barge,Crewboat Rentals and Docking FacilitiesCommercial Saltwater Injection Well Operator,Disposers and Transporters