We are a couple in our late 80s who have a number of rnedcal problems. On Thursday, Oct. 2011, Eric Runte, from Service One Warranty Company showed up as promised, promptly at 8:00 AM to do a Fall maintenance on our furnace. He reported our furnace had to be shut down because of possible gas leaks. Cold weather at night had been an earlier forecast. This was a defrnite threat to us. The weekend was approaching when there might not be a full service staff available. Eric contacted Anne Stephens who came within a half-hour with two bids on a replacement furnace. We accepted the bid that completely covered all costs: nothing out of pocket. Anne assured us that she would two volunteers to work on Saturday. Friday morning, Torn Rose came to disconnect and prepare for the removal of the old furnace. O11 Saturday morning, promptly at 8:00AM, Dennis Kennedy and Chase Bryon arrived. They Worked the entire day. They are young, vibrant, talented men who love the company for whom they Work. They could not have been more considerate. We have never worked with a company that provides such SERVICE! So Worthy of Omaha Magazine's BEST of OMAHA Award, 2011!
Pros: null
Cons: null