Benefits of Equine Sports Massage:
Enhances muscle tone & Increases range of motion
Reduces inflammation & swelling in the joints
Balances the body as a whole by treating the body as one unit rather than individual units
Promotes healing by increasing the flow of nutrients to the muscles while excreting excessive fluids and toxins from the muscles
Helps to prevent "tying up"....massage releases tension, thereby relaxing the muscles
Stimulates circulation which releases endorphins (natural pain killers)
Maintains the horse's body in better physical condition for a better performance
A pre-event massage loosens, warms, and readies the muscles for an event
A post-event massage relieves muscles soreness, stiffness, and pain by returning the muscles to a normal state of being.
*** Equine Massage can also aid a horse with Equine Myofascial Syndrome, Ulcers, or EPM
"Muscle pain is a form of lameness that limits movement in horses"
Signs of Muscles Soreness and/or Injury:
Damaged muscles will feel hard and tender to the touch.
The damaged muscles may twitch.
There may be an obvious lameness.
If the horse is sore all over his/her body, it may be a little bit more difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem.
Depression, attitude changes and/or loss of appetite.
Resistance to being touched, groomed, and/or saddled.
Stiff movement and shortened stride.
Bucking, head tossing, incorrect leads.
Girthing problems.
and other noticeable changes.........
JUMPING - - - Problems extending the neck which can cause rounding in the back which can cause head tilting which can cause the horse to land on one leg instead of two in a jump causing leg concussions, unbalancing, falling and other problems
DRESSAGE - - - Problems at the neck from bending which can cause problems in the shoulder(s) which can cause problems with the hock(s) and lead changes
RACING - - - Problems with hocks and/or bowed tendons which can cause shortened strides
REINING - - - Affects lateral flexion which can cause problems such as weakened hocks, rounding backs, and/or concentration
TRAIL/ENDURANCE - - - Problems with head bobbing, prancing, lateral stiffness and/or horse not wanting to stop (control issues)
Saddle Fit Placement plays a HUGE roll in causing pain and soreness in the horse, especially in the horse's back
Improper saddle fitting can also throw off the balance of the rider, which can cause injury to the horse
Common behavioral issues related to back pain and/or improper saddle fit:
Objection to being saddled or tightening of the girth
Fidgeting or "cold-backed" while mounting
Hypersensitivity to brushing
Constantly rearranges bedding
Difficult to shoe
Slow to warm up or relax while riding
Reluctant to stride out
Inability to travel in a straight line
Unwilling or unable to round back or neck
Difficulty maintaining impulsion (speed)
Falters or resists during lead transitions
Head tossing
Rider constantly having to adjust position
. Equine & Canine Massage
Tuning Fork Therapy
Laser Therapy
and more