My son loves going to his Septien lessons. He started with just voice, but has gone on to add drums, guitar, and songwriting. When you add to that his private choreography lessons, summer camps, and workshops we have invested a lot of money into that business. However, I have never left Septien feeling that I was wasting my money. We have been going there for over two years and his knowledge and love of music has grown by leaps and bounds. He has decided he wants a professional career in music and if any studio in the nation can help him achieve that goal by giving him the tools, it is Septien. Yet they are very honest with their students and tell them how tough the business is. Their lessons are not sugar coated with promises of ""you are a star in the making"". But the lessons are fun and as a Mom I love seeing my 13 year old so passionate about something. I would recommend it to you if your child has professional aspirations or even if they just want to learn for fun. You won't find a better studio with more caring teachers anywhere in the metroplex. We drive over an hour to attend.