Select Physical Therapy's Mechanicsville clinic is conveniently located at the intersection of Mechanicsville Turnpike (route 360) and Lee Davis Road and is within walking distance from Lee-Davis High School. Laura, Trina, June, and Rhoda bring energy and excitement to the clinic, and do their best to make your rehabilitation experience not only pleasant, but individualized and tailored to your needs so that you receive the greatest benefit. Each patient will receive hands-on physical therapy by knowledgeable and experienced licensed staff. In addition to post-surgical care, balance/gait training and return-to-work rehabilitation (including functional capacity evaluations and pre-offer employment testing), Laura also brings a passion for treating sport-related injuries and is an active therapist with the Select Sports Injury Hotline. Our Mechanicsville staff will do their best to accommodate your needs and schedule an initial evaluation within 24 hours. Feel free to come in for a visit, take a look around and meet our staff. We'd love to work with you! Please Note: This office does not offer in home physical therapy. Thank you!