Tried to reply to ""gooddale"" review, but had trouble ""publishing""! So, doing it here!
First, they buy their ""goods"" from donations made to VIetnam Vets - then, resell; so yes, it is ""for profit"", but payment has been made to a charity for items. The announcements are not ""every 5 minutes"", more like 1 or 2 times an hour, not bad/more people come in all the time/at some angles you can't see the signs. (The music is more annoying!) There is always a ""bargain"" to be found there; at least something in your cart is probably 1/2 price! If you want a price on something you DESPERATELY want, ask for the manager, he/she might do it. The clothes are washed here (unlike Salvation Army!) and the quality is better. Many things are a bit overpriced, but that is in all stores. The store is huge, generally well organized, and I can spend hours there! In all, a fun place to shop! Well worth the trip, still one of our favorites! We have even ""converted"" friends who NEVER had shopped in thrift stores, and now love Selden Thrift!