The HR specialist is a kind of rasist , And treats bad for black applicants,never gives chance if you are black to work for securitas, unless if they have lack of security guards black people get chance to be hired by the HR specialist .No bady or manager can control the bad threatment,DISCIRIMNATION ,I dont think so if they have Manager which controls the way how they hire people or treat people & this shows unmanaged. But If i were a manager i could fire the HR Specialist from the building & no more discirimnation & no more treating bad by the HR specialist can be found again.
And I would like to inform for those People Specially Originally from China seeking security guard Just go to securitas security service located at 120 Howard St. SF You dont have to be warried about previuos experience or interview, since you are chinse or white your color ,you will be hired immediatelly . To be chinese or white it self in Securitas SF is experienced & should be hired.
Thank You.