I've worked for Securitas for over a year and unless you just want part time work and a near minimum wage job DON""T WORK HERE!!!! \r
From day 1 I've been lied to from the Branch Manger down. I asked the Branch Manger before I even started working for the company how many hours a week I would get and I was told 32-40 a week. My 1st week working I only got 16 hrs. and since then only on average 2-3 days a week. The only time I got a full 40 hr. week was when somebody was on vacation on on leave. That did not last more then a few weeks at a time. Securitas DOES NOT give pay raises on a regular basis, some guards have told me they went YEARS without a raise. The only way you will get 40 hrs. a week is if you have been there for years working as a ""Floater"" (basically you have to work when somebody calls in and no more)\r
I had to go back on Unemployment after only getting $500 paychecks a month. As soon as I get a regular 40 hr. per week job I'm going to the Dept. of Labor in my state to file a complaint and possiblly further then that.\r
And if you work more then 40hrs. a week at 2 different locations you will not get OverTime. (Securitas says that technically you are working at 2 different locations even if it is for the same company.) Senority has no significance at Securitas also, people straight off the street get higher positons then people that have been at the post for years and know how to do the job.\r