Are you pregnant or have child(ren) under the age of 5? If you haven't already heard of the WIC (women, infants, & children) Program, then you're missing out. WIC is a very helpful program that provides assistance to families with children or pregnant women. If you qualify income-wise, you will receive great benefits on a month to month basis. For example if you are pregnant, throughout your entire pregnancy you will get "WIC checks" that let you receive free eggs, cheese, cereal, juice, tuna, milk, peanut butter at any store of your choice. If you have children and they are formula fed, being on this program is a life saver. All of us mothers know how expensive formula can be, well if you are on WIC, you get free formula! Then, as your child gets older and if you still qualify, you will receive free baby food, rice, cereal, and more. You also get a chance to meet with a Public Health Nurse and discuss and concerns or questions that you may have about your baby. They check the baby's weight, height, and make sure that both the mother and child are getting enough. This program is wonderful, and I can't express how much money it has helped me save as well as provide fresh and healthy nutrition for my child and I. If you have questions on whether you qualify, give the downtown center a call.