My family and I have given this restaurant numerous chances to wow us...It never happened. In fact, during our last meal, we were shouted at and berated by the chef because my husband sent back a tasteless snapper dish. My hubby isn't the type of person to send something back, unless it's simply inedible. He couldn't bring himself to eat it, so he told the waitress to remove the dish after a few bites. She ended up charging us for the dish, and my father in law requested that she remove the charge. I guess she mentioned it to the chef, who came storming into the dining area, shouting at us ""I have a rule in my kitchen, you can only take 2 bites of a meal and send it back. You took more than 2 bites and now you don't wanna pay!"". Now this embarrassment occurred in front of a packed dining (40+ people) area and his staff! We tried to reason with this chef calmly, but he wouldn't listen and continued to talk over the 4 of us about the ""rule"" of his kitchen. In the end, we informed him that we wouldn't be coming back to eat there again, and heard ""That's fine, I don't want you back here!"". We asked to speak to the manager, and this unbalanced fellow declared himself the chef, manager, and owner of the restaurant....Uh, ok. We paid our bill (he took a whopping $4 off of our bill, ""as a favor"" to us!) and received profuse apologies from the wait staff as we filed out of the restaurant, angry and humiliated. As a bonus--my mother in law spent the night throwing up her meal. I wouldn't send my worst enemy to this dump. What a shame, as it's in a great spot.
Pros: Ample parking, nice location
Cons: Staff inexperience, incredibly offensive treatment of patrons