This kennel has a very unique way of getting an extra day of fees out of you! We boarded our dog on a Friday morning and planned on picking her up on Sunday and were told that it would be the same cost if we picked her up on Sunday or Monday until 1pm. so we figured two nights right, Friday and Saturday. They just happen to leave out that if you planned on picking your dog up on Sunday they were going to charge you for Sunday night anyway so it's 3 nights fee for a 2 night stay and that led me to believe if we picked up on Monday it would still only be a 2 night fee. On the contrary. Not only this, you expect to pick you dog up in the same condition that you left it, well my dog had a sore on her nose when we picked her up that wasn't there when we dropped her off. If you decide to give them a try be very careful that you understand their billing policies and be prepared for the unexpected, or maybe if you have read this, the expected.