read the fine print with them, they will charge for full coverage when you ask for liability, and they will leave you hanging when you need them. my car was wrecked, i had full coverage on this one(one of 5 cars i had insured by him), and the would not approve a $25 a day rental car for 7 days while mine was being repaired. i have paid $4000 a yr for 10 yrs with them ($40,000) without filing a claim. He said i would have needed to pay extra to be able to get the rental car coverage and this was told to me when i got the policy. You think when you pay for full coverage, all bases are covered, but not with scott, this is an easy out for him i guess. The repair company told me it is state farms policy to go to junkyards to get the parts to fix your car. WTF! He found my anger humorous while we were on the phone, buts thats only because we were on the phone, right scott?. His integrity is non-existent! Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. So bottom line, this financial genius is letting my $4000 a yr walk away over $150. Most people would consider that a no brainer to handle this, but again, this is the mentality you will be faced with here. Stay with that business model Einstein so you can go under and no one will have to waste their time with you or your incompetence.
Pros: i have a new insurance company
Cons: scott and staff