Took my suzuki dt 140 in for a simple 100 hour maintenance service. Next day received a call from mechanic stating ECM was bad and the cost to repair is $2,200.00! ?!?! This was shocking considering the boat was running fine before dropping it off (ran it 26 miles the last trip without any sign of a problem).. I get to the shop and the mechanic shows a burnt wire that was obviously burnt from from the outside of the casing, he then tells me my ecm was to after realizing these guys were trying to scam me into an additional repair i told them i wanted to pay for the diagnosis and take my boat back home, they now tell me they may be able to get the part for 900......Hmmm thats funny ,5 minutes ago they said it was 2200 bucks,i again told them i did not want their services,so now they want 280 bucks for the diagnosis...After arguing with them and getting the owner involved, we settled for the 95 dollar charge that was included in the estimate for the hundred hour service........So now I'm out a 100 bucks and my boat isn't running anymore....