If you are:
o Ages 45-85
o Worried Well
o Family history of Alzheimer's Disease
o People who are first noticing memory loss
o Mild-Cognitive Impairment
o Just diagnosed with AD/dementia
o Overall unhealthy: obese
o Those who know the risk factors but don’t think they can make the lifestyle changes alone
Sci-Brain helps by providing:
o BRI – objective measure of progress
o Gives you the tools to take control of your brain health
o Focus specifically on medical risk factors for AD/dementia.
o Leading institute is associated to develop the program
o Utilize research screening tools not accessible to general medical community
o Get to the bottom of why they are having memory loss
o Educate them about how memories are made/ brain works
o Focus on the positive aspects
o Support for spouse
Its a great program for business executives, seniors, sportsmen and anyone who want to stay brain-fit and healthy.