Since 1962 we have been sending a Bit of Wisconsin to every state in the country. Our cheese chalet was built as an exact replica of a true Swiss Chalet. Prior to being built, a special trip was made to Switzerland to make sure it would indeed be authentic. The original owner began his cheese career with numerous cheese factories in the area. We are now carrying over 125 varieties of cheese and sausage along with many other fine products made in Wisconsin.Some of these products are preserves, mustards, honeys, maple syrups, etc., along with a large gift section and fine wines and chocolates. One of the featured products that we carry is our Aged Cheddar ranging in age form 2 years to 16 years. Whether you are looking for a gift for a friend or corporate gifts, we have you covered! Many of our products are sourced locally so you can feel good and enjoy the products of this great state! Nestled on two acres of wooded land, This is a bit of Switzerland, featuring a bit of Wisconsin. When in the area, we hope you will stop in and see for yourself.