This development team decided to get politicians and the wealthy in North Texas in his back pocket. This includes the Corps of Engineers. Stole a couple thousand acres from the residents of North Texas to build some condos and marinas aand a few golf courses. In the proscess will destroy prime hunting and fishing areas for all of us here. We have enjoyed years of recreation in this area. Now, with a little political stroking, its going away. A lot of people got drowned out, their voices anyway. Would also like to condem Ralph Hall for his support of this project. Thanks to you all for ruining it for our children in the future of enjoying this wonderful ecosystem. Your intentions are clear. Whatever it takes to get another dollar. As I believe in this too, I do not see why residents of this area have to get railroaded in the process. Enjoy your golf courses, and may poverty find you soon.
Pros: Nothing
Cons: Everything