So if you're into thrift shopping and around the East Lansing area, check out Scavenger Hunt only if you have the time. As thrift shopping goes, this place is kind of small and not exactly cheap. The selections aren't very much and look too much like regular clothes that can be bought at the mall to reallly be worth buying secondhand. However, I'm not saying that all the clothes you find there are ordinary. They actually have some pretty zany stuff that might be interesting. Take a look at their dresses, which vary from decade to decade, or their buttons that are often used to decorate bags. They have some really interesting glasses, which seem to be all the rage these days. The place also has many cool stocking--neon colored fishnets and whatnot. The price is around 2 for $20 (I got some from my friend). The guy who runs the place is pretty cool and friendly. So enjoy looking around.