I generally subscribe to the view that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all, but I am compelled to share an experience....
I have a website development client who originally had her site done by AT&T YellowPages.com. After months and months waiting for a website that she was told would take two weeks, she cancelled all services with them and asked me to develop her site.
We had the site ready in three days. But now we have to wait for the Domain Move Request from AT&T to change the domain name servers to the new hosting location. This was also supposed to take two weeks. Now, I happen to know that a domain name server change takes less than 5 minutes to accomplish if someone actually does their work.
It's now been nearly a month since the form was submitted. I have left at least 6 messages with the New Haven Sales office and have not once received a return phone call. I have called the Customer Service office who tell me that they haven't even received the domain move request.
Please, please do not succumb to the tempation of having AT&T develop a website for you... you will only be asking for trouble. Call a local web developer who still knows the meaning of customer service.