Integrative health approaches to simple or complex health conditions. Using functional medicine, bio-energtic technology, Kinesiology, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. * 26 Years Experience. PAIN MANAGEMENT.
. ACUPUNCTURE & CHINESE MEDICINE. N.A.E.T. ALLERGY ELIMINATION - For Food and Environmental Sensitivities utilizing NANO SRT galvanic response testing
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE Blood chemistry labs testing and assessment for nutritional support. Hormonal Imbalances*Blood Sugar,Metabolic Disorders. Auto-Immune support.
Cyrex Labs testing for Gluten and Food sensitivity,Autoimmune disorders,Environmental and chemical Lab testing.
DIGESTIVE DISORDERS Lab testing and assessments for chronic complaints.
NEUROTRANSMITTER/ADRENAL testing. NEI certified by NeuroScience. For mood and fatigue disorders.