wow - hadn't been to the Saugus Swap Meet in eons, but it's incredible! Lots of bargains and great deals on everything! I love the bartering game! \r
Along with some other unique finds, I found some great funky antique jewelry and took it by the Antique Appraisers on site, only to find out I got a steal of a deal! Woo hoo!\r
Lots of great, inexpensive food - Latin American, Thai, American, funnel cakes, Italian Ice, kettlecorn - (make sure you get a cold draft beer along with that BBQ hot dog!). Better than a shopping mall any day of the week!\r
Perfect Sunday afternoon kickin' back to live bands in the food court after a crisp morn' of active treasure hunting! Best bang for your buck on a Sunday at only $1.50 admission! I hear that the Tuesday Morning Flea Market there has some incredible funky finds as well..and the shopping is free on Tuesdays! Be still my cheap heart!\r
I'm definintely heading back soon!\r
Pros: great deals, excellent food, hot bands, + beer
Cons: gotta be up early to take advantage of all the great deals!