They had an installer name Robert. He was pleasant and set up the various TVs the way I wanted them after a 2nd visit. But he left coils of wire behind furniture and rather than put a plate on the wall with a screw connector on it (neatly), so I could remove it one day, he put like a washer on the wall and the cable just came right out. I cut it off and put a wall plate on it and was able to screw a cable on to it, thus cleaning up the huge amount of wire left on the floor.
WORSE though, he put white plastic tie wraps outdoors to hold the cables onto the dish equipment. When he left I went outside and had a fit. So I put black ones alongside all the white ones. When he came for his 2nd visit I told him that the phone company practice dictated no white tie wraps outside cuz they become brittle. Robert told me I was wrong. Bit of a smug know-it-all.
Today I was out there and one of the white tie wraps had broken open. I pushed on the black one next to it and it was still as flexible as could be. So I have mixed feelings about these folks what with the messy installation and a guy who didn't know better about certain things, and then laughed at advice from the Bell System Installation Practice manuals. Hope Robert reads this.