Sarah Jeannes has many services including a salon, tanning, and other things only utilized by girls and heretofore uncomprehensible to me. I found myself at Sarah Jeannes, however, one fateful day to get my eyebrow pierced and i'm very glad I did. While I was a bit self-conscious about my maleness in the overwhelmingly female dominated store (business name included) I had heard great things about the place and their piercing capacity. As I lay in the chair awaiting the needle, I was serenaded with tales of people with botched piercings coming to Sarah Jeannes to get them fixed for free. I was somehow calmed and when I finally did get pierced, it went smoothly and easily-- and i'm petrified of needles. For only around thirty bucks, I got my eyebrow expertly pierced and got a ring for it. Plus, I was confident in the fact that if I took care of it on my end, there would no infections or other problems. Two years later, I'm still going strong with the piercing but no infections and have never been happier for entering a stigmatized establishment and giving them my money. I may not have a rock star story behind where I got my eyebrow pierced, but I also don't have any rock star infections.