I used to work at Santa Monica Kennels and I would NEVER board my dog there. Mind you, I am by no means a disgruntled employee, I quit on my own terms, I simply couldn't take it any longer. Here is the deal, people, they are liars and just in this for the money, the statements they make on their website and pamphlets are simply not true: the cages are cleaned once for every dog in the morning. They are only cleaned more if there is need (dog soiled it), not a ""minimum of twice a day"". The dogs get walked around the little dog park next to the faciltiy about twice a day, if they are lucky maybe three times (""4 - 6 times a day, yeah right!). There is no playtime or love/cuddle time, the place is understaffed and there is simply no time for that. And no, the dogs do not get to frolick around the dog park like some people think. The ""bedding"" consits of a rubber mat and a towel! The gourmet food was standard IAMS when I worked there (maybe they changed that, however I doubt it!). The complementary Bath is simply a necessity, since all the dogs are filthy and reek after having spent 24hrs a day in a run! The worst part however are Holidays (especially Christmas and Thanksgiving)! The place will be stacked with Vario Kennels and they accept twice as many dogs as they are legally allowed to! We struggled to clean all the cages and kennels and not all the dogs got a chance to even go out and stretch their legs! We were totally understaffed, four employees for about 140 dogs!!! (the legal capacity is about 60 dogs!). Trust me, I saw the saddest pooches in that place and I would never ever to that to my dog. Do your dog and yourself a favor and avoid Santa Monica Kennels at all cost. Did you ever wonder why they do not have any pictures up on their website? Well, I don't, I know why! Try Wagville, K9-Camp or Go Dog LA instead. Your dog will be most grateful!