This is Our Home church for the last 3 years and we highly recommend it.
It is truly a place for anyone and everyone. Christian in doctrine and loving in mission. The senior and associate pastors are excellent speakers and God led individuals. The worship is wonderful and mainly consist of a contemporary mix of R&B, Gospel & Hip Hop. It is accepting of all styles and you may even catch a country tune, a hymn, an alternative rock band or a rapper on any given Sunday. You will not doze in this service!
They also have an excellent childrens program durring the service and throughout the week you can hook up with one of many smaller groups. Another facet is the Sanctuary CDC [community decvelopement corporation] which is it's own entity that provides services for the community. We currently meet in the auditorium of Anwattin Middle school, have during the week services at First Covenant in Downtown MPLS, and have offices in on Golden Valley Road. The vision is uncompromisingly focused on loving and changing circumstances in North Minneapolis.
Check out the website, call or email them, or even email me personally for more details!