If you have the misfortune of having to deal with the employees in said college town, talk slowly, speak loudly and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask several people for the answer you are looking for. I made the mistake of asking one clerk if I had tied every loose end and here I am, five years later, SCREWED. Because of a clerical mistake they made in 2004, the state of Texas was under the assumption that I had no insurance. Upon learning that, they suspended my license. I was driving through Seguin, TX and was pulled over for speeding and was informed that I was driving on a suspended license. After several hours of phone calls, letter writing, and standing in line, I submitted all necessary paperwork to prove that I had insurance and provided that information to the court in San Marcos -- NOTHING about mentioning that they were at fault to begin with. They also told me that they would forward all pertinent information to the court in Seguin. NOPE. That was a lie. Or rather, ""an oversight."" So, you know, a couple of years later, I discover I have a warrant for my arrest cause they did not submit that paperwork like they promised they would.