The San Diego Clinic of Integrative Medicine is a general and family practice clinic located in La Mesa, Ca. that specializes in alternative and natural remedies, and has been serving the alternative medical needs of the community for over 30 years. Each patient is treated as an individual with unique needs and goals. When necessary, the clinic uses various specialized labs to pinpoint causes of symptoms that may not have been detected by mainstream medical doctors. While every effort is made to treat ailments with natural remedies, our medical staff has the flexibility to prescribe regular proscription drugs if deemed appropriate and necessary. Members of our medical staff are also trained and State licensed to provide both standard medical care and alternative therapies. The San Diego Clinic of Integrative Medicine is comprised of two medical physicians (Dr. David Howe, & Dr. Conrad Frey), two naturopathic doctors (Dr. Drew Collins & Dr. Kaity Collins), one physical therapist (Dr.