I am highly annoyed with Sam's Club right now. I have always been a fan of both Costco and Sam's, but more recently Sam's changed it's return policy on electronics. Now from a business stand point I completely understand that you were sick of taking my big screen TV back every year or two to upgrade my set with such a liberal return policy. This is not what upset me but rather that I tried to return a jumper box and a large floor lamp that stopped working. I don't ever keep my receipt because it is a membership club that files EVERYTHING I buy in their system. The return policy is still rather liberal but if they cant find the item they make you feel like you are taking advantage of them. You see the reason I buy almost everything at both Sam's and Costco is because they make these companies stand behind their products (crazy I know), why else would I pay for an annual membership. Anyway, Sam's also says that their system only keeps files now for 2 years. I went over to Costco later that day and guess what...they have files that go back to 2001. I know it seems crazy to return anything after that long but I am not one of those tool-bags that returns everything and I spend quite a bit of money at each club since I go out of my way to purchase there. The final straw was when my mom tried to go back to have them fix a nail in a tire she bought from them just 1 month ago (keep in mind that discount will fix any tire for free no matter where you purchase it) and she also had her receipt but because I bought them for her for Christmas and she does not have a membership. They would not help her without my Sam's club membership number....OK, well the number was worn out on my card and it took an additional 15 minutes with me arguing over the phone with these pricks that SHE HAS A FRICKEN RECEIPT!!! I am strongly contemplating canceling my membership with these guys. It probably wont matter since Walmart owns the world now but they cant stay on top forever if they keep changing their rules.