Sam Tooma & Son, Inc. offers the highest quality of oriental rugs and carpet in the Hagerstown, MD . Since 1906.
Our Oriental Rugs and Carpet are imported From:* China* Pakistan* Iran* IndiaWe carry rugs of distinction and character. We take care of our customers and want you to have the carpet or rug you have always wanted.Contact Sam Tooma & Son, Inc. today at 301-733-2110, or browse our website for more information regarding cleaning and repair services or photo gallery.Sam Tooma & Son, Inc. is the most experienced when cleaning and repairing your rugs and carpet in the Hagerstown, MD area. With over 30 years of experience, our commitment to excellence has earned us the reputation as the best Oriental rug and carpet dealer in the area.Our Oriental Rug Cleaning Services:Hand washing - gently and thoroughly hand was and rinse you delicate rugs.Hung to Dry - this reduces the chance of mold, mildew and bacteria growthOur Repair Services Include:* Cigarette burns* Buckling* Weaving* FringesWe are a simple operation and enjoy working face to face with our customers. We recommend have you cleaned your rugs every 5 years..