Terrible massage, save your money! My massage at Salon Freeport was the worst professional massage I've ever gotten. The room was unkempt, disorganized and did little to help me relax. The dirty linens strewn around the room made me wonder if my sheets were clean. The table is positioned under a skylight and even with my eyes closed the light streaming in made it unpleasant and made me tense. However I was really hoping my massage therapist was going to make that all seem obsolete. No such luck. She asked me what I wanted to focus on then spent very few time on that area- It was obvious she had her own routine and didn't want to break out of it, or that she had forgotten what I had wanted and was not experienced enough to find my knots or tension. Her quality of touch combined with hands that were scratchy and rough, was all over the place. Most of the time it was too light and ticklish causing me to have goose bumps. When I asked her for more pressure, it was so intense I winced. She does not warm up the area before jabbing you. Also there were plenty of times where I wondered where she went or where her hands were, as they were not on me! I also felt exposed when she draped me and was such she could see my breasts when she put my arm back under the sheet. I couldn't wait until it was over. As a person who gets regular massages I was disappointed and annoyed. Not only was it a waste of time and money, but my body left feeling even more tense than when I started. I wanted to like this place but I just can't. Also when I came downstairs the hairdressers were gossiping about other clients. Very unprofessional. I will not be back and do not recommend. .