salls brothers( ceo) Fred Salls looks for and employs illegalls for the cheapest labor and lowest job wages he possibly can get away with knowing that illegalls wont complain because they need the jobs to keep their families fed and housed, whats sad is he drives through job sites with no acknowlegement of the sweat that keeps his chevy suburban gassed his 4ft.2 framed body in pressed clothes while his workers arent even given lunch breaks without the threat of termenation! three years of working in snow, rain, wind storms at starting wages of 8 dollars,and ending wages of 8 dollars shows fFreds appreciations of his illegals,why not they all got crooked papers that the office doesnt check for fraud, cheap labor makes this companies pockets stay fat ,the greed of a white man surrounded by the legal mexicans shunning thier blood lineage.sad avoid this sorry piece of cr...p company !!not even a xmas card saying thanks guys...