If you love the action and excitement of a car dealership then the Salinas Cycle Center is for you. They have no involvement with the local motorcycle scene whatsoever and are completely ignorant of local events that affect our sport. Apparently their solution to issues such as the closure of Clear Creek, is to simply stop selling OHV gear and dirt bikes. It is no secret that the locals are willing to travel all the way to the Central Valley to buy a bike rather than dealing with this overpriced and ignorant den of thieves. If you are interested in local races or information regarding the political maneuvers over land closures you will certainly leave this establishment empty handed. If you are just another idiot that thinks that the only thing motorcycling entails is going 200Mph while dragging your exotic riding leather clad knee into the clutches of a guard rail, Salinas Cycle Center is for you! Oh, sometimes they have free popcorn. (just like a car dealership. Go figure)