After shopping around Salinas for a good deal, we happened upon this store. It's small and cramped, but that's OK, because it's local. One of our requirements for purchasing a new bed was that the business be locally owned. Antonio, the salesperson that day, did work to bring the price down. I will give them that. We asked the each store we visted specific questions: do you charge to deliver? Will you take away the old mattress? Do you Charge to take the old mattress? Antonio confirmed that they do deliver for free and pick up the old mattress for free. After bringing down their price to give us a pretty good deal we decided it was a go. \r
A week later when our mattress and bed came in, he called us to schedule a delivery. He said the drive would be at our home in 2 hours. An hour after the initial call, he called again to ask if we were home. We were, in fact, home. A 1/2 hr after that call, he called a third time to ask if he could reschedule! After all that, after we waited several hours he called to try to reschedule. We explained that we could not because we both work on the week days (He didn't want to keep that stock in their store--small store). So finally, an hour after the scheduled delivery time, they show up. They couldn't assemble, because the driver had to get home. The also didn't take the mattress. The driver said they would return on Monday to pick it up.\r
We ended up assembling the furniture ourselves, which took several hours. (We're not dumb, it was heavy). \r
Today, Monday, my wife came home for lunch and found the mattress was still in our front yard! She called and asked when the would pick up. Antonio lied and said we never discussed it. We did discuss it. We would have never purchased from them if they didn't. I know it's only $10 to dump a mattress. But, we're both professionals and don't have time to go to the dump, assemble furniture, or argue on the phone. \r
After the ordeal it ended up costing us an additional $200 in time and effort.
Pros: lower price
Cons: goes back on word