Stop running a drug clinic! Dr. Baig in no shape or form provides therapy or suggestions on how to improve one's life. She is strictly a dope pusher. Those how constantly wait for long periods of time in her waiting room, and travel very far to see her, do so because they need what the doctor is prescribing. She increased my son to four 20 mg of Adderall a day. I told her that he had started to abuse the drug and no change. A few months later I sent her a long letter regarding what I had observed in my son, not to mention that I was a drug rehab counselor, and a current graduate psychology student with years of social work experience. I left her various ways to get in contact with me, she never did. She gave my son another script for Adderall this month, so I called the pharmacist at Walgreens to try to intervene. No success there either, so I will be calling the AMA regarding this issue.