Sakura Spring charges a lot more than the other Chinese restaurants in this area. For example an order of Sesame Chicken is like $11.95 here versus $6 or so at other Chinese restaurants. However, Sakura Spring seems to provide a better dining experience. (There's no way I'd pay their prices for take out.) They have a large wait staff, and the interior of their restaurant is very tastefully done. It feels classy. Each table is dimly lit and decorated with fresh flowers.
The food is nice too. It is better than what I usually get.You can taste more freshness in the food. (Also they put less batter and fillers.) But this restaurant is very Americanized. You don't even get chopsticks unless you ask for them. I doubt they'd have a Chinese menu.
Furthermore, Sakura Spring has a sushi bar. It's expensive though. The wonderful Fuji restaurant charges prices on par with Sakura Spring for sushi. And I know for a fact that Fuji is run by a Japanese owner. Not so sure about this restaurant.
Location: Heritage Square next to Syms on Route 70.
It's a BYOB.